Tell It With An Infographic

Jun 18, 2013

You’ve heard the expression “a picture is worth a thousand words.” In today’s busy consumer culture, you can often get your point across more effectively in a visual form than you can in running text.

Enter the infographic. Infographics (or “informational graphics”) have become one of the hottest trends in content marketing. Using a collection of images, graphics, and text, infographics help readers scan and absorb information quickly.

If you post your infographics on your website, infographics can also help boost your SEO efforts. This is because people like to link to infographics, and search engines rank pages, in part, based on the number of inbound links. The more people like the infographic, the more they will link to it. The more they link to it, the better your SEO.

How do you create an infographic? Here are some simple steps.

Identify what story you want to tell

Your infographic needs a specific theme. Do you want to explain how a specific vitamin or food supplement impacts metabolism? Do you want to tout the benefits of a video series for helping adults speak a foreign language? What are you trying to accomplish?

Determine which facts will tell that story best

What data or images are available to make your point? Should you use data to illustrate it? How about a graphic? Not every supporting element has to include data points. You can use arrows. Conceptual graphics. Flow charts. Starbursts.

Pick a color theme

Bright, bold colors really pop and grab attention.

Engage your designer

Have your designer take the content elements and render them into a graphical format.

Keep it simple

You don’t have to tell the whole story in one infographic. You just want to get your point across. Remember, the point is to have people come to you for more information. So pose a question. Provide facts. Draw a clear, specific conclusion, and provide a clear call to action. If they want to know more, they can come to you!

Infographics are a quick, easy way to engage your customers, present yourself as an expert, and educate your customers at the same time. Add them to your marketing kits, or to your website; use them as point-of-sale materials, or as handouts during sales presentations. Infographics are content marketing at its best!

Some Interesting Facts on Infographics:

+ 20% of B2B Companies Use Infographics

+ Infographics are the fastest growing content type on the web

+ Adoption of Infographics is up 1.5x from 2011

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